Fire chief Job at Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Massachusetts

  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • Massachusetts

Job Description

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Human Resources Division  
Examination Title:  FIRE C HIEF  
Written Examination Date:   October 2 , 2024 
Deadline for Online ECT&E Claim Submission:  October 9 , 2024 , at 11:59 pm  
This is the Online Experience/Certification/Training & Education (ECT&E) Claim for the Fire C hief Departmental Promotional Examination scheduled for  October 2 , 2024 . There is no separate fee for filing this claim. Only eligible candidates who have already  submitted an application and payment to  participate in the Fire C hief   departmental promotional examination scheduled for  Wednesday ,  October 2 , 2024 , must complete this online claim.  

  • It is important that you read all the instructions before  submitting the online ECT&E Claim. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a lower score. You must complete and  submit this ECT&E Claim, with supporting documentation, by 11:59pm on  October 9 , 2024 .  

  • The online ECT&E Claim application is not complete until you have electronically  completed and submitted the online ECT&E claim and received a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of the ECT&E Claim application. If you have not received a confirmation email, you must resubmit your online application prior the submission deadline, until you have received a confirmation email.  

  • If your ECT&E Claim and supporting documentation are not electronically  submitted through this online portal by 11:59pm on October 9 , 2024 , the claim will NOT be considered.  

  • In the event an unforeseen technological problem prevents you from successfully  submitting the online claim, you must notify Civil Service at prior to 11:59pm on  October 9 , 2024 , requesting consideration of the claim, describing the technical issue, and attaching your completed ECT&E claim application and supporting documentation.  


Summary Of the Online ECT&E Claim Process  
This is an Examination Component:  ECT&E is made up of three categories and weighted as Experience 52%, Certification/Training 28%and Education 20%. In this examination  component you will rate your own work experience, training, certifications, licenses  attained and education against a standard schedule. You will do so by filling out this Online ECT&E Claim. A standard schedule is a list of all types and levels of work experience, training, certifications, licenses  attained and education which  demonstrate your qualifications for the examination title and for which you may receive credit toward your overall final examination score. Everything that will receive credit is included in this Online ECT&E Claim. Each section of the standard schedule is preceded by specific instructions. ECT&E credit will be scored for all candidates.  
You Will Rate Yourself:  Complete your Online ECT&E Claim on your own and to the best of your  ability. Accurate completion of the ECT&E claim is a scored weighted examination  component .  In order to ensure that no one receives any type of unfair advantage in the claim process, be advised that we are unable to provide individualized  assistance to any candidate. Positions in the Statewide Fire  C hief   classification requires the ability to read and understand instructions and take necessary steps to remember and implement them. Failure to follow any instructions  in regard to this examination  component is cause for disqualification.  
All calculation s of  experience, certifications, training , and education  claims  will use the  date of  October 2 , 2024 ,  in order to be considered .  

General Instructions : Please carefully read and follow these instructions. They differ from the instructions for other examinations that you may have taken. Refer to the 2024Fire C hief ECT&E Prep Guide for complete instructions and examples of how to fill out the Online ECT&E Claim. The prep guide is available on the  Human Resources Division ( HRD ) Civil Service website at  2024 Fire Chief ECT&E Preparation Guide (October) .  
Preparing & Saving Your Claim:  HRD recommends that candidates download and print a copy of the Online ECT&E Claim to work with offline before  attempting to complete the online claim. Printed copies of your ECT&E claim  submitted to HRD are not considered  an officially  submitted claim. As mentioned above, the Online ECT&E Claim provides you with the ability to save your work at any point and exit the claim. Up to the statutory deadline of October 9 , 2024 , at 11:59pm, you will be able to log in, complete, and  submit your Online ECT&E Claim. Please be aware that once it is  submitted , you will not be able to alter your Online ECT&E Claim. After submission, your Online ECT&E Claim will be saved in your online account, and you will have access to download or print a copy at any time. Written requests for modification of a submitted claim must be emailed to   on or before the deadline date,  October 9 , 2024 , and will be added to your record for this examination component.  
Supporting Documentation: HRD requires the submission of supporting documentation for all claims  submitted in your Online ECT&E Claim. Please attach electronic copies of this documentation (such as official college transcripts, copies of licenses and certifications, etc.) to the Online ECT&E Claim or email to   by  October 9 , 2024 , by 11:59 pm.  
Experience Claim Supporting Documents:  Work experience claims in your current department must be supported with a current Employment Verification Form (EVF) signed by the appointing authority or their designee. Candidates can download and print a copy of the EVF from the HRD website at  . The appointing authority must provide starting and ending dates at each grade level and  indicate whether this was full-time or part-time employment dates and reasons for any breaks in service, as well as any other related data.  
Work experience in a police department outside your current department in the title of police officer and/or in a supervisory police rank must be supported by a letter on official letterhead with original signature of an appointing authority or their designee. Non police related outside work experience must be supported by a letter on official letterhead with original signature of the owner of the company or their designee. All supporting documentation for outside work experience must include the following information:  

  • Original signature of an appointing authority, an owner of the company or their designee  

  • Start and end employment dates (MM/DD/YYYY)

  • Full-time or part-time (must include total hours for part-time)

  • List job responsibilities, and any other related data

  • Tax ID (ONLY  required for private companies)

All part-time experience must be totaled by number of hours in for the category or it will not be credited. Listing PART-TIME work in SHIFTS will not be accepted as  appropriate verification .  
Any experience claim that is not accompanied by supporting documentation and totaled within each category on the letter from the appointing authority or supervisor will be deducted from your E&E claim score.  

Military Experience:  Time spent within the Non-Commission Officer (NCO) ranks or time spent within the Officer ranks would qualify as supervisory experience in a non-policing role.  

Supporting Documentation:  

  • DD214 for ranks E5 and above  

  • Non-Commission Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOER)  

  • Enlisted Record Brief/Soldier Record Brief (ERB/SRB) 

For candidates no longer serving in the miliary, supporting documentation must include their Expiration Term of Service (ETS) date. For candidates still serving in the military, a Commanding Officer letter must be provided in addition to the supporting documents listed above. For officers, documents must include officer rank, date promoted to each rank and ETS date.  

Any experience claim that is not accompanied by supporting documentation and totaled within each category on the letter from the appointing authority or supervisor will be deducted from your E&E claim score.  

Certification/Training/License(s) Supporting Documents:   In order to receive credit in this section, you must  submit a copy of the certifications issued by the Massachusetts Fire Training Council ,  FEMA or the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications that you have passed as of the date of the written examination. Certifications of attendance will not be accepted. For all licenses, you must  submit a copy of a current and valid license. Only licenses listed   in the  ECT&E claim will be accepted. A list of all accepted certifications and licenses can be found in the preparation guide.  
Education Claim Supporting Documents:  Candidates may receive credit for an associate, bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees from a regionally accredited higher education institutions in the United States; or institutions outside the United States granting degrees or degree program credits that are recognized by one of the United States regional accrediting agencies or that are transferable to a regionally accredited higher education institution in the United States .  All education claims must be supported by an official transcript from the higher education institution where the degree was obtained. In lieu of an official transcript, unofficial transcripts accompanied by diplomas will also be accepted. Grade reports are not transcripts and will not be accepted as supporting documentation for education claims. Any education claim that is not accompanied by supporting documentation will not receive credit on your ECT&E claim. A list of all accepted related degrees can be found in the preparation guide.  
Attach Documents to This Online ECT&E Claim: All supporting documents are to be  attached to your Online ECT&E Claim.   Please label your documentation accordingly.  If  you are having  technical issues, or need to adjust a submitted claim, documents can be emailed to .  If you are emailing documents, p lease include your name, person identification number, and the exam title.  Should the issue of authenticity arise with the electronic documents at any time during the review process or during the life of a resulting eligible list, candidates must  submit original supporting documentation to HRD.  
Appeal Rights:  Once you receive your examination score, you will have 17 calendar days from the date of the score notice to appeal the scoring of your Online ECT&E Claim to HRD. Please note that on appeal, HRD will not consider requests for credit in any category that were not originally claimed in the  initial ECT&E submission .   

Claim Audits: After submission of your ECT&E claim AND during the life of the resulting eligible list, HRD reserves the right to conduct an audit of your ECT&E claim. Be prepared to provide copies of all supporting documentation  submitted as part of this examination  component to HRD or the appointing authority upon request.  

There is no Benefit Code


Fire Departmental Promotional Eligibility: If you have been approved as eligible to take this exam, select your current department. If your department is not listed, please exit this application immediately and contact your employing department.

  • Ware


25 Years of Service Promotional Preference Points: Upon submission of written proof, 2.0 points will be added to the passing score of qualified individuals who have completed 25 years of service worked as of October 2, 2024 as a member of a regular fire department in Massachusetts, and who have passed an examination for promotional appointment in such force. If you are qualified for both the Veteran's Preference and the Promotional Preference for 25 years of service, please be advised that 2.0 points are the maximum allowable number of points to be added to your passing, overall (general average) examination score, and you should not claim Promotional Preference Points in this question Do you wish to claim 25 Years of Service Promotional Preference Points?

  • Yes
  • No


Verifying Experience Claims : Current department experience must be supported by a current, signed Employment Verification Form (EVF). All time must include a start and end date. Any part-time experience must be totaled by number of HOURS or it will not be credited. Totaling part-time experience in SHIFTS or as number of hours per week will not be credited. Supporting documentation may be submitted on-line through the ECT&E claim application or emailed to by 11:59pm on October 9, 2024. All work experience claimed must have corresponding supporting documents as outlined in the ECT&E Preparation Guide. (Note: Resumes are not considered acceptable work verification) Outside Experience: Service performed in other departments prior to transferring to the current, specified department, may be claimed only in experience outside your department and be credited only upon having met the criteria. Letters of verification must be on original, official letterhead or stationery, with original signature of the appointing authority or their designee an original signature. Non fire related outside work experience must be supported by a letter on official letterhead with original signature of the owner of the company or their designee, start and end employment dates (MM/DD/YYYY), whether the experience was full or part time (must include total hours for part time), tax ID (only required for private companies), list of job responsibilities and any other related data. Breaks in Service: HRD will only grant credit for work experience for time spent actually working within a department. The first six months (180 consecutive days) of a leave of absence can be claimed as time worked on your EVF. Leaves of absences or breaks in service for more than six months must be recorded on the EVF and will not be counted toward work experience. No Double Counting: Do not claim work experience that occurred concurrently in more than one category. Any acting, provisional and/or temporary time submitted will be deducted from the next lower rank. Crediting "Acting" Service: You may choose to claim any of this experience in the following exam title: Fire Chief. Crediting "Provisional", or "Temporary After Certification" Service: You may choose to claim any of this experience in the following exam titles: Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, District Fire Chief, Fire Captain and Fire Lieutenant. For all employment calculations, use the written exam date of October 2, 2024. Select "Yes" to indicate you have read and understood these instructions.

  • Yes
  • No


Current Department Experience: Indicate how many year(s) of permanent Firefighter experience you have in your current department as of the date of the written exam. Do not include time served after your first rank promotion.

  • No Experience
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • 6 years
  • 7 years
  • 8 years
  • 9 years
  • 10 years
  • 11 years
  • 12 years
  • 13 years
  • 14 years
  • 15 years
  • 16 years
  • 17 years
  • 18 years
  • 19 years
  • 20 years
  • 21 years
  • 22 years
  • 23 years
  • 24 years
  • 25 years
  • 26 years
  • 27 years
  • 28 years
  • 29 years
  • 30 years
  • 31 years
  • 32 years
  • 33 years
  • 34 years
  • 35 years
  • 36 years
  • 37 years
  • 38 years
  • 39 years
  • 40 or more years


Current Department Experience: Indicate how many year(s) of permanent Fire Lieutenant experience you have in your current department as of the date of the written exam.

  • No Experience
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • 6 years
  • 7 years
  • 8 years
  • 9 years
  • 10 years
  • 11 years
  • 12 years
  • 13 years
  • 14 years
  • 15 years
  • 16 years
  • 17 years
  • 18 years
  • 19 years
  • 20 or more years


Current Department Experience: Indicate how many year(s) of permanent Fire Captain experience you have in your current department as of the date of the written exam.

  • No Experience
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • 6 years
  • 7 years
  • 8 years
  • 9 years
  • 10 years
  • 11 years
  • 12 years
  • 13 years
  • 14 years
  • 15 years
  • 16 years
  • 17 years
  • 18 years
  • 19 years
  • 20 or more years


Current Department Experience: Indicate how many year(s) of permanent District Fire Chief experience you have in your current department as of the date of the written exam.

  • No Experience
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • 6 years
  • 7 years
  • 8 years
  • 9 years
  • 10 years
  • 11 years
  • 12 years
  • 13 years
  • 14 years
  • 15 years
  • 16 years
  • 17 years
  • 18 years
  • 19 years
  • 20 or more years


Current Department Experience: Indicate how many year(s) of permanent Deputy Fire Chief experience you have in your current department as of the date of the written exam.

  • No Experience
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • 6 years
  • 7 years
  • 8 years
  • 9 years
  • 10 years
  • 11 years
  • 12 years
  • 13 years
  • 14 years
  • 15 years
  • 16 years
  • 17 years
  • 18 years
  • 19 years
  • 20 or more years


Current Department Experience: Indicate the amount of experience you have as an acting, provisional and/or temporary after certification Fire Chief in your current department.

  • No acting/provisional
  • 1 month up to 2 months
  • 3 months up to 4 months
  • 5 months up to 6 months
  • 7 months up to 8 months
  • 9 months up to 10 months
  • 11 months up to 12 months
  • 13 months up to 18 months
  • 19 months up to 24 months
  • 25 months up to 30 months
  • 31 months up to 36 months
  • 37 months up to 42 months
  • 43 months up to 48 months
  • 49 months up to 54 months
  • 55 months up to 60 months
  • 61 months or more


Outside Department Experience: Indicate how many year(s) of experience you have as a Firefighter in a department other than your current department.

  • No Experience
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • 6 years
  • 7 years
  • 8 years
  • 9 years
  • 10 or more years


Outside Department Experience: Indicate how many year(s) of experience you have in a supervisory fire officer role in a fire department other than your current department.

  • No Experience
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • 6 years
  • 7 years
  • 8 years
  • 9 years
  • 10 or more years


Outside Experience: Indicate how many year(s) of supervisory experience you have outside of the fire service. This includes military, maritime service and private companies.

  • No Experience
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • 6 years
  • 7 years
  • 8 years
  • 9 years
  • 10 years
  • 11 years
  • 12 years
  • 13 years
  • 14 years
  • 15 years
  • 16 years
  • 17 years
  • 18 years
  • 19 years
  • 20 years
  • 21 years
  • 22 years
  • 23 years
  • 24 years
  • 25 years
  • 26 years
  • 27 years
  • 28 years
  • 29 years
  • 30 or more years


Fire Departmental Promotional Education Claim Instructions: For all Fire Departmental Promotional Exams, HRD will grant ECT&E points only for whole and conferred degrees from regionally accredited higher education institutions, and not for individual semester hours or degree credits. Semester hours earned in an unfinished degree program or in a non-degree (Certificate) program are not eligible for ECT&E credit. Only one degree can be claimed, claim your highest ranked degree for maximum credit. If you have multiple conferred degrees and have applied the same course credits from one degree to another, HRD will grant you full ECT&E points for one degree. HRD only recognizes degrees granted by: a) regionally accredited higher education institutions in the United States; or, b) institutions outside the United States granting degrees that are recognized by one of the United States regional accrediting agencies or that are transferable to a regionally accredited higher education institution in the United States. Please note that specializations/concentrations are NOT Majors, and will not be credited as such. Verifying Education Claims: Applicants must submit either official transcript(s) from all institutions for which they are requesting credit OR unofficial transcript(s) AND diploma(s). Official transcripts must indicate that the degree was in fact conferred, the major/field in which the degree was conferred and the conferral date. During the HRD review process or during the life of the resulting eligible list(s) applicants must make original supporting documentation available should the issue of authenticity arise with the submitted copies. Select "Yes" to indicate that you have read and understood these instructions.

  • Yes
  • No


Education: As of October 2, 2024, if you have a related and/or unrelated conferred degree(s) from a regionally accredited college or university, choose the highest-ranked degree you have obtained*. Below is a list of related degree fields. Related Degree Fields: Biochemical Science, Building Construction Engineering/Management, Business Administration, Business Management, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Communications, Computer Science, Emergency Management, Executive/Organizational Leadership, Fire Administration, Fire Prevention Engineering, Fire Safety, Fire Service, Fire Science, Homeland Security/Security and Intelligence Studies, Nursing, Occupational Safety, Paramedic Medicine, Public Administration, Psychology, Social Work, Structural Engineering. Non-Related Degree Fields: All other fields. For all Fire Departmental Promotional Exams, HRD will grant ECT&E points only for whole and conferred degrees from regionally accredited higher education institutions, and not for individual semester hours or degree credits. Semester hours earned in an unfinished degree program or in a non-degree (Certificate) program are not eligible for ECT&E credit. If you have multiple conferred degrees, HRD will only credit the highest degree. For example, if you have a Bachelor's Degree in Fire Science and an Associate's Degree in Culinary Arts, HRD will only credit the highest degree (Bachelor's Degree in Fire Science). HRD only recognizes degrees granted by: a) regionally accredited higher education institutions in the United States; or, b) institutions outside the United States granting degrees or degree program credits that are recognized by one of the United States regional accrediting agencies or that are transferable to a regionally accredited higher education institution in the United States. Indicate the highest degree you have received from a recognized (as defined above) college or university. Verifying Education Claims: Applicants must submit official transcripts, or an unofficial transcript and a copy of the diploma, from all institutions in which they are requesting credit. Transcripts must indicate that the degree was in fact conferred, the major in which the degree was conferred, and the confer date. During the HRD review process or during the life of the resulting eligible list(s) applications must make original supporting documentation available should the issue of authenticity arise with the submitted copies. *Note: the degrees below are listed in order of highest-ranked (Related Master's or higher Degree) to lowest-ranked (Unrelated Associate's Degree).

  • Related Master's or higher Degree
  • Related Bachelor's Degree
  • Related Associate's Degree
  • Unrelated Master's or higher Degree
  • Unrelated Bachelor's Degree
  • Unrelated Associate's Degree
  • No degree


EMT License: Indicate if you hold a current EMT Basic, Advanced or Paramedic license as certified by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) or National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) as of October 2, 2024. Please select the most appropriate response based on current licensure.

  • No license
  • Active EMT Basic
  • Active EMT Advanced
  • Active Paramedic license


Relevant Certifications: As of October 2, 2024, select all of the certifications that you have successfully obtained. All training courses require documentation in the form of an awarded Pro-Board or FEMA/MEMA transcript or certificate. Images or copies of the transcripts from either the ProBoard or FEMA website showing the trainings and certifications, as well as clearly showing the candidate's name, are preferred and accepted. Certificates of attendance are not accepted. *Certifications marked with an Asterix are the ONLY ones where a certificate of completion is acceptable, as no further certification currently exists. Note: To claim Firefighter I/II, select both Firefighter I and Firefighter II.

  • No certifications earned
  • Advanced Fire Investigation*
  • Basic Fire Investigation*
  • Chief Fire Officer MGMT Training (MFA)
  • Driver Operator/Aerial
  • Driver Operator/Pumper
  • Firefighter I
  • Firefighter II
  • Fire Instructor I
  • Fire Instructor II
  • Fire Instructor III
  • Fire Officer I
  • Fire Officer II
  • Fire Officer III
  • Fire Officer IV*
  • Fire Prevention Officer I
  • Fire Prevention Officer II
  • Fire Prevention Officer Credentialing I*
  • Fire Prevention Officer Credentialing II*
  • Fire Prevention Officer Credentialing III*
  • Fire Inspector I
  • Fire Inspector II
  • FEMA - ICS100 Introduction to the Incident Command System
  • FEMA - ICS200 Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
  • FEMA - ICS300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
  • FEMA - ICS400 Advanced ICS
  • FEMA - ICS700 An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
  • FEMA - ICS800 National Response Framework, An Introduction
  • HazMat Technician
  • Hazardous Materials: Operations Level
  • Public Fire Educator/PFALSE*
  • Safety Officer
  • Technical Rescuer: Confined Space Rescue I/II
  • Technical Rescuer: Rope Rescue I/II
  • Technical Rescuer: Surface Water Rescue I/II
  • Technical Rescuer: Swift Water Rescue I/II
  • Technical Rescuer: Trench Rescue I/II


Relevant Trade Licenses: As of October 2, 2024, select all trade licenses you have obtained from the list below. For all trade license(s) claimed, you must attach a copy of the current license including the license number and issuing agency. Only one trade will be accepted in each of the relevant categories. You can receive credit for holding up to two trade licenses, on the list of accepted trades. Relevant categories: Blasting, Boiler & Pressure Valve, Construction Supervisor, Driver's Licenses, Electrician, Fire Alarm Systems, Fire Equipment, Fireworks & Special Effects, Hoisting Engineer, Hood Cleaning, Gas Fitter, Mariner, Pipe Fitter, Plumber, Professional Engineer Licenses, Refrigeration, Sheetmetal Worker, Sprinkler Fitter.

  • No trade licenses
  • Blasting Certificate of Competency
  • Boiler & Pressure Valve: Technician, All Classes of Fireman and Engineer Licenses
  • Construction Supervisor: Restricted, Unrestricted
  • Driver's License: Class A, Class B
  • Electrician: Journeyman, Master
  • Fire Alarm Systems: Technician, Contractor
  • Fire Equipment Certificate of Competency: CC-41, CC-46, CC-47, CC-48
  • Fireworks & Special Effects Certificates of Competency
  • Hoisting: Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4
  • Hood Cleaning Certificate of Competency: Unrestricted
  • Gas Fitter: Journeyman, Master, Limited, Limited Undiluted
  • Mariner: Operator of Uninspected Pass. Vehicles, Master Inland, Master Near Coastal
  • Pipe Fitter: Journeyman, Master
  • Plumber: Journeyman, Master
  • Professional Engineer Licenses
  • Refrigeration: Technician, Contractor
  • Sheetmetal Worker: Journeyman, Master
  • Sprinkler Fitter: Journeyman, Contractor, Fire Protection

* Required Question

Job Tags

Permanent employment, Full time, Temporary work, Part time, For contractors, Work experience placement, Immediate start, Shift work,

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